Recorded Talks, Panels, and Podcasts
Book Talks:
LOUISA JUNE AND THE NAZIS IN THE WAVES Book Talk at Politics & Prose with Sharon Cameron
A wonderful Politics & Prose evening with Sharon Cameron talking about LOUISA JUNE AND THE NAZIS IN THE WAVES, research, our love of history, and writing WWII historical fiction:
Watch NowWALLS book talk at Politics and Prose with Debbie Levy
I discussed WALLS with the wonderful Debbie Levy on the 60-year anniversary of the building of the Berlin Wall.
Watch NowNOVA Teen: (Don't Leave) the Past Behind
I enjoyed being part of this group of YA authors as we discussed historical fiction and research.
Watch NowSymposium Town Hall with Pipeline Artists
Chat with Jeanne Bowerman of Pipeline Artists about writing and the process of researching/conceptualizing historical narratives.
Watch NowFall for the Book: Breaking Down Walls: Disinformation, Likes, and the Berlin Wall
In this video for Fall for the Book, I discuss WALLS and the dangers of disinformation.
Watch NowL.M. Elliott and Elizabeth Wiley Discuss WALLS & Audiobooks
One More Page Books in Arlington, VA hosted this wonderful chat about storytelling and character creation!
Watch NowSchuyler Sisters Talk with One More Page Books
I joined Susan Holloway Scott to have a "behind the scenes" Hamilton discussion about Peggy & Eliza Schuyler!
Watch NowP&P Live with Leslie Connor
The wonderful Leslie Connor and I got together with Politics and Prose to talk about STORM DOG.
Watch NowStorm Dog Book Talk with Bookmarks
This was a delightful event with Bookmarks and canine musical freestyle specialist Barbara Long. Watch this video to learn all about Storm Dog, hear me read an excerpt from the book, and watch Barbara and her dog Ambrose teach us some doggy dance moves!
Watch NowSTORM DOG with the Winchester Book Gallery
So enjoyed this chat about all the different inspirations for this whimsical novel, my love of nature, VA, music, dogs, and parades.
Watch NowFall for the Book: Tips and Tricks for Compelling Creative Writing
What do dog dancing, apple blossom parades and wild mountain storms have in common? They’re all inspiration for L.M. Elliott’s newest novel, Storm Dog. Using these as examples, as well as her novels Hamilton and Peggy: A Revolutionary Friendship and Suspect Red, Elliott brings writers through her time-tested interview tips and research suggestions as she advises students on best practices for compelling, realistic writing.
Watch NowHamilton and Peggy Book Talk with FCPS TV
In this mini-talk and reading of HAMILTON AND PEGGY, L. M. Elliott describes discovering Peggy Schuyler's personality and relationships through reading Alexander Hamilton's wonderfully gossipy letters, as well as her real-life courage and devotion to family when researching factual historical events during the Revolution. Elliott reads two example passages of using revealing primary documents to build character and story, as well as sharing tidbits about the lesser known characters in the Hamilton/Schuyler Sisters circle.
Watch NowUnder A War-Torn Sky Book Talk with FCPS TV
In this mini-talk and reading of UNDER A WAR-TORN SKY, L. M. Elliott talks about how well-researched period fiction humanizes history, bringing it alive through the compelling story of individual characters. She reads a chapter in which Henry Forester has his first encounter with the French Resistance as they help him escape from a train, asking the listener to count the "maquisards" involved in the getaway.
Watch NowA String of Hearts Video
Watch NowInterviews/Panels
Interview with Rocky Run Middle School
In a wide-ranging interview, L.M. Elliott talks about the educational magic of historical fiction, the treasure hunt of research, and the gift of libraries (in finding things like double agents working for Philip Schuyler!) while describing specific moments in her novels UNDER A WAR-TORN SKY and its WWII companion books; HAMILTON AND PEGGY; SUSPECT RED; and STORM DOG.
Watch NowThe Write Stuff at the National Archives
Watch NowClip from TV interview "Meet the Author"
Watch NowNews Channel 8: Featuring Laura Elliott and A Troubled Peace
Watch NowLaura and the Hunter books were featured on "Meet the Author," a 30-minute program produced by the FCPS FairfaxNetwork and broadcast live throughout the nation.
Click here to see an excerpt.Trailers
Hamilton and Peggy: A Revolutionary Friendship Book Trailer
Watch NowGive Me Liberty Video Trailer
Watch NowDa Vinci's Tiger Trailer
Watch NowSuspect Red Video Trailer
Watch NowAcross a War-Tossed Sea Trailer
Watch NowA Troubled Peace Video Trailer
Images of the period accompany the thoughts of Henry Forester
Watch NowFlying South Video Trailer
Watch NowThanksgiving Day Thanks Video Trailer
Watch NowHunter's Best Friend at School
Watch NowPodcasts:
Syosset Public Library "Turn the Page" Podcast (for LOUISA JUNE AND THE NAZIS IN THE WAVES)
For BEA AND THE NEW DEAL HORSE: http://turnthepage.blubrry.net/2023/05/11/turn-the-page-episode-245b/
DRINKS IN THE LIBRARY, with Gigi Howard, talking about Pat Conroy, his Prince of Tides, and its influence on me as a journalist & novelist.
Interview with The Valley Today about Bea and the New Deal Horse and Storm Dog
About Hamilton and Peggy! w/ Caroline Tung Richmond
The Power of YA Historical Fiction: Using Well-Researched Novels to Humanize History
This talk provides practical tips and resources for discussing a little-explored time in our history that so resonates with challenges of today, as well as general guidelines to using historical and biographical novels in the classroom.